Wood Board & Lattice
Available in custom heights, board and lattice fencing secures lattice material to upper, lower and fence rails, and offers a semi-private fence look or serves as a functional garden fence.

English lattice in Waltham

1x6 T&G board and lattice in Belmont

5+1 lattice topper fence in Watertown

6' cedar board and lattice in Needham

Board with English lattice topper in Lexington

6' high stepped cedar board and lattice with slope

6' high stepped cedar board and lattice

6' high stepped cedar board and lattice

black english lattice topper in Lexington

black english lattice topper in Lexington2

black english lattice topper2 in Lexington

board and lattice in Lexintgon

board in lattice in Newton

cedar arbor with board and lattice fence

cedar arbor with board and lattice fence

cedar arbor with lattice fence in Weston

cedar board and lattice 5'+1' in Boston

cedar board and lattice, 4'+2' in Watertown

cedar lattice top in West Newton

cedar lattice top in West Newton2

cedar lattice top slope

cedar lattice top slope2

cedar small square lattice top in Waltham

cedar, board with small square lattice top

cedar, board with small square lattice top

doble drive gate in Waltham

doble drive gate in Waltham2

square lattice top in Arlington

square lattice top in Arlington3

square lattice topper in Lexington

square lattice topper in Lexington1

square lattice topper in Lexington2

stepped 4+2 board and lattice in Needham

stepped 4+2 board and lattice slope in Needham

stepped 4+2 board and lattice slope2 in Needham

stepped 4+2 board and lattice2 in Needham

small square lattice topper in Newton

small square lattice topper in Newton2

stained small square lattice topper in Waltham

stained small square lattice topper in Waltham2

stained small square lattice topper in Waltham3