Wood Post & Rail
Elegant yet rustic appeal, the clean lines created by 2 rail or 3 rail styles, make an excellent landscape or boundary accent when either left natural or with a custom color.

Framed 2x4 welded wire in Lincoln

Tennis court enclosure in Sudbury

Tennis court enclosure in Sudbury2

arbor with post and rail in Bedford

cedar post and rail in Lexington

cedar post and rail with racked gate in Lexington

cedar round rails with black wire

cedar square rail with welded wire in Carlisle

cedar square rail with welded wire in Carlisle2

custom wire_cedar panels

custom wire_cedar panels2

diamond rail in Newton

post and rail garden fence with arbor in Bedford

Red cedar split rail in Weston2

Round cedar rail 4' high

Round cedar rail

round post and rail fence in Weston

split rail in Concord

split rail in Concord1

split rail in Concord1

split red cedar in Weston

square post and rail and 1x4 welded wire in Sudbury

square post and rail Carlisle

square post and rail Carlisle2

square post and rail Carlisle3

square post and rail Carlisle4

square post and rail gate in Sudbury

square post and rail in Belmont

square post and rail in Waltham

transition between post and rail and space board

two rail in Newton

two rail in Watertown