Wood Stockade (Picket)
Similar to spaced board fencing but having boards that are pointed at their tops, the classic stockade or picket fence panel is available in taller or shorter sections, private or semi-private.

Scalloped stockade in Weston

Stockade in Newton

4' hgih stockade in Cambridge

4' high stockade in Newton

5' high flat top stockade on a rack

6' cedar stockade in Needham

6 high cedar stockade in Lexington

6' high cedar stockade in Waltham

6 high cedar stockade with gate

6 high cedar stockade5

6' high stockade in Arlington

6' high stockade in Boston

6' high stockade in Concord

6' high stockade in Medford

6' high stockade in Newton

6' high stockade in Waltham

6' high stockade in Watertown

6' high stockade in Wellesley

6' high stockade in Weston

6' high stockade in Westwood

6' high stockade with square posts in Waltham

6' high stockade with square posts in Waltham2

6' high stockade with square posts3 in Waltham

6' high stockade, rustic rails in Waltham

6' high stockade, rustic rails in Watertown

6' high stockade, rustic rails in Watertown2

6' high stockade, rustic rails in West Roxbury

6' high stockade, rustic rails in West Roxbury2

cedar stockade on steel posts in Lexington

Cedar stockade with rustic rails in Belmont

curved stockade slope

flat top stockade in Lincoln

flat top stockade in Lincoln2

flat top stockade in Wellesley

flat top stockade in Wellesley2

flat top stockade, rustic rails in Newton

flat top stockade

stockade around tree

stockade following the ground

stockade in Belmont

stockade in Belmont2

stockade in Belmont3

stockade slope in Watertown

stockade slope in Watertown2

stockade with square posts in Boston

stockade with square posts in Boston2

stockade with square posts in Waltham