Wood Spaced Stockade
SPACED STOCKADE fences typically are spaced two inches apart, however custom spacing can be ordered. Stockade fences can be made any height. The top of pickets can be pointed or flat-topped. Various backing rails can be used.

Space stockade in Newton

4' high space stockade, rustic rails in Medford

4' high space stockade, rustic rails2

space pointed board in Newton

space pointed board in Newton2

space stocakde with slope in Waltham

space stockade in Boston

space stockade in Boston2

space stockade in Brookline with gothic posts

space stockade in Brookline

space stockade in Brookline2

space stockade in Waltham

space stockade with round posts in Belmont

spaced scalloped stockade in Newton

spaced scalloped stockade in Newton2

spaced scalloped stockade in Newton3

spaced stockade in Needham

spaced stockade in Needham2

stained spaced stockade in Newton

stained spaced stockade in Newton2

stained spaced stockade in Watertown

stained stockade in Auburndale

stained stockade in Auburndale2